Tag: React

  • Using Bento Components for Gutenberg Block Development

    Using Bento Components for Gutenberg Block Development

    Last week saw the launch of Bento, an easy to use component library that helps you achieve a great page experience.

    Today, I would like to share some thoughts on how Bento components can be used in Gutenberg in order to reduce development and maintenance costs while at the same time ensuring great user experience (UX) and page experience (PX).

    In addition to the core blocks available natively in Gutenberg, developers can create custom blocks for use in the editor. Typically, with Gutenberg you have to implement the same functionality twice, first by creating a block’s Edit component in React and then by re-implementing the same look and feel without React for the frontend. This causes a lot of duplicate work and additional maintenance burden, and potentially even some disparity between the two versions.

    This is where Bento comes into play.

    Developed by the AMP project, Bento offers well-tested, cross-browser compatible and accessible web components (aka custom elements) that can be used on any website. They are highly performant and contribute to an excellent page experience.

    These components are not only available as custom elements, but also as React and Preact components with the same features and API. That makes them an ideal candidate for use in Gutenberg.

    You can read more about it on the new Bento blog.

    Building a Bento Gutenberg Block

    Since Bento and Gutenberg make such a great couple, there is even a dedicated guide on how to create Gutenberg blocks using Bento.

    It is the result of a proof-of-concept Bento-powered Gutenberg block I have been working on over the last couple of months. In that article you learn how to apply these learnings yourself. You may also skip this part and jump straight to the repository containing the final code of that tutorial.

    I hope these examples give you a better sense of Bento’s potential for Gutenberg block development and I am looking forward to sharing more examples and solutions in the future as the component library evolves.

  • Safely Using Strings Containing Markup in React with DOMParser

    Safely Using Strings Containing Markup in React with DOMParser

    For the Web Stories WordPress plugin I came up with a solution to parse strings containing markup in a React application by leveraging the DOMParser interface. This is especially useful when dealing with translations where you would want to avoid any string concatenation.

    I’ve previously written quite a bit on JavaScript internationalization in WordPress 5.0+. However, one aspect I did not address at the time was how to use these new features with translations containing markup. That’s because it was simply not possible until recently, unless you would use a dangerous function like dangerouslySetInnerHTML. But since that would pose security risks, it is not advisable for use in this case.

    Thankfully, a new createInterpolateElement function was introduced to Gutenberg late last year that solves the problem in a safe way. It does so by sanitizing the input string using a simple parser that removes any unwanted markup. Here’s an example:

    import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
    import { createInterpolateElement } from '@wordpress/elementt';
    import { CustomComponent } from '../custom-component.js';
    const translatedString = createInterpolateElement(
      __( 'This is a <span>string</span> with a <a>link</a> and a self-closing <custom_component />.' ),
        span: <span>,
        a: <a href="https://make.wordpress.org/"/>,
        custom_component: <CustomComponent />,
    );Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

    Any tag in the translated string that is part of the map in the second argument will be replaced by that component. So span will be replaced by an actual span tag, for example. If the translation contains any other markup not in the map, let’s say a some <img onClick={doBadStuff()} />, it would simply be discarded. Awesome!

    Now, as you can see from the example above, this utility function is part of the @wordpress/element package and not @wordpress/i18n, as one might have expected. But what if you don’t want to use the former, or perhaps can’t?

    An Alternative to createInterpolateElement

    To answer this question, I looked at the implementation of createInterpolateElement under the hood. It’s actually quite neat, but also a bit complex using a regex-based tokenizer. I wanted something simpler.

    The requirements were straightforward:

    • It needs to be fast at parsing strings with some simple markup
    • It needs to be secure
    • It needs to work in modern browsers (no IE support)

    My research quickly led me to the DOMParser interface, which allows parsing XML or HTML source code from a string into an HTMLDocument. It is supported by all major browsers. But does it also work for this use case? I was keen to find out!

    From DOMParser to React

    Specifically, I looked into using DOMParser.parseFromString() to parse a given string into an HTMLDocument, traverse through that document and create actual React elements (using React.createElement and React.cloneElement) for every found HTML element based on the provided map. Text elements could just be used as-is. This worked incredibly well from the get-go. Here’s an excerpt of the final code:

    const node = new DOMParser().parseFromString(children, 'text/html').body
    // Loops through the document and calls transformNode on each node.
    transform(node, mapping).map((element, index) => (
      <Fragment key={index}>{element}</Fragment>
    function transformNode(node, mapping = {}) {
      const { childNodes, localName, nodeType, textContent } = node;
      if (Node.TEXT_NODE === nodeType) {
        return textContent;
      const children = node.hasChildNodes()
        ? [...childNodes].map((child) => transform(child, mapping))
        : null;
      if (localName in mapping) {
        return React.cloneElement(mapping[localName], null, children);
      return React.createElement(localName, null, children);
    }Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

    You can find the full code including documentation and tests on GitHub.

    A key difference to createInterpolateElement is that elements missing from the map won’t be simply discarded, but inserted without any props/attributes being set, mitigating any security risks. It also means that void elements such as <br> can be used in the translatable strings, which can come in handy at times.