In my previous blog post I explained the importance of the text domain in WordPress internationalization. Today, I want to have a look at the bigger picture of the (new) internationalization features in WordPress 5.0 and beyond. This includes, but is not limited to, enhanced JavaScript internationalization. If you’re building a WordPress plugin or theme and […]
Today I have some big personal news to share! I am very excited to announce that, starting in January, I will be joining Google as a Developer Programs Engineer here in Zurich. This is a quite a change for me after having worked at required for almost four years. Luckily, it doesn’t mean I won’t […]
In this post I want to address a common question / misunderstanding about the role of the text domain when internationalizing WordPress plugins and themes. This topic has been addressed in the past, but it comes up again from time to time. Time to re-address it! Some Background Over the last few months I helped […]
I had the exciting opportunity to hold a talk at this year’s WordCamp Tokyo about a topic that is dear to my heart: internationalization. In particular, I talked about current internationalization workflows in WordPress and how things are changing. Amongst others, I covered things like Gutenberg with its focus on JavaScript internationalization, the new WP-CLI […]
I’ve decided to give Medium a go and published an article there about some learnings from the Young Creators Summit in Amsterdam, Netherlands. You can read the full article on Medium: How to Be a Successful Software Engineer
As I am only studying computer science part-time, I was looking for a job a couple of months ago. Today I’ve been working with required for over a month now and I already managed to develop lots of new things. Working with required+ allows me to work more on WordPress and contribute back to the community. We released the WP Team List […]
I finally found time to create personal website of mine in English. It’s mainly a big resume page, but I also want to post some great content in the future. Stay tuned!